How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

Overactive sebaceous glands are hardly the party your skin signed up for. Believe us when we say, we get it! Covering all that extra shine with makeup is not the answer; it’s more like a last resort. The good news, however, is that there’s so much you can find in your own pantry that’ll help you actively tackle your oily skin problem.

Here we are with some Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Oily Skin.

1.  Cleansing Routine

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

The one way to keep oily skin under control is to have a proper cleaning ritual set up. This has to be followed with regularity.

•A mild soap or face wash should be used to wash the face at least two to three times in a day

•If one has been out, the face and the neck should be washed after coming in from outdoors

• If the rest of the body has oily skin too, proper cleaning should be done with mild soap during bath

You can refer this article to know more about cleansing: How To Get Crystal Clear Skin At home

2.  Use Of Sunscreen
How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

The sun is known to play havoc on the skin. It dries up the skin and makes the sebaceous glands secrete excess oil.
•   It is important to use water based sunscreen to protect oneself from the sun
•   The sunscreen should be chosen such that it does not clog up the pores and lead to formation of pimples

Check out these sunscreens: 

3.  Diet Changes

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

It has been seen that a lot depends on the diet that one follows. If one has oily skin, one has to take care of the following points:
•   Fried food and fatty food leads to excess oil secretion on the skin

•   Intake of high calorie or sweet food items also increases the chances of excess oil and pimple formation

4.  Intake Of Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

•   It is necessary to consume a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables

•   Food that is lightly cooked and nutritious will go a long way to maintain healthy looking skin

5.  Fluid Intake

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

The skin develops pimples due to the clogged pores which are covered with dirt and grime. If the blood circulation is increased then the detoxification process shows its results on one’s face.

•   It is beneficial to drink lots of water to flush out toxin
•   Fluid such as fresh fruit juices and others help to keep the skin hydrated and cool   

6.  Use Of Lime Or Lemon

It is beneficial to drink lemon juice with warm water and honey to cleanse the system

•  One could even use the lime juice as a mask along with ingredients like gram flour and cold milk
•  Lemon juice drinks is a great alternative to drinking fizzy drinks to help quench the thirst and balance out the excess oil content

7.  Egg Whites

While many might think that it is messy, however, a face mask of egg white is a great way to firm up the skin and to reduce the excess oil content from one’s face:

•   One would need to break an egg in such a way that the white is separated from the yolk
•   The yolk can be mixed with lime juice and pasted all over the face and neck as a mask
•   After the skin tightens up in ten or fifteen minutes, it can be washed off to reveal youthful and former skin

8.  Use Of Clay Masks

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

There are many clay masks that are found in stores to help remove the excess oil from the skin
•Not only is the excess oil removed, the clay mask tighten up and closes the pores

9.  Use Of Orange Peel

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin | How To Remove Excess Oil From Face | Home Remedies For Oily Skin.

There are many readymade face masks that are available in stores but one can even make an orange peel face mask at home:

•   The orange peel need to be collected and dried
•   The dried orange peel can be made into a powder
•   This can be made into a paste for a great homemade mask

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